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Day One | Wednesday, 23rd October 2024


Registration & Morning Refreshments    


Opening Karakia    


Chairperson’s Opening Address 

Greg McAllister, Independent Consultant

Maximising Contact Centre Efficiencies & Operations


Opening Keynote: Building a Future Proof Contact Centre - Remaining Relevant and Successful in 2025 and Beyond

  • The evolution of agents, from reducing employee turnover to enhancing communication skills.

  • The role advancing technology and predictive analytics plays in driving agility and responsiveness in contact centre operations.

  • Taking a proactive approach to ever-changing customer expectations to ensure customers feel valued and understood.

Robbie Dickenson, Head of Customer Care ANZ, Dyson


Keynote Panel: Beyond the Buzzword: Implementation of AI Across Contact Centre Operations and Efficiencies

  • How AI and ML are revolutionising customer service, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Utilisation of AI in contact centre operations for streamlining processes.

  • Automating workflows and process automation, to reduce handling times within contact centres.

  • How can AI forecast customer needs and identify cost-saving opportunities for enhanced cost efficiency.

Moderator: Nicola Chrisp, Head of Customer Engagement, Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand

Mo Odedra, GM of Client Experience, Fisher Funds

Priya Thurai, Head of Insights, Watercare Services Limited

Paulo Gottgtroy, Head of Decision Science & Analytics, Mercury NZ

Workforce Productivity & Agility


Case Study: Implementing a Fully Remote Workforce

  • The business case and journey to fully remote implementation.

  • Designing and implementing, from recruitment through to performance and attrition.

  • Challenges, results and lessons learned – what are the key considerations?

Hannah Crawshaw, Group Lead, Customer and Compliance Services, Inland Revenue NZ


Lightning Address – Madison & Contact Centre Hiring Insights

Rachna Singh, Managing Consultant, Madison Recruitment


Networking Bingo  


Morning Tea – Brought to you by Madison Recruitment 


Panel: Transforming Contact Centre Excellence: Striking the Balance between Automation and Human Touch

  • Harnessing AI-powered chatbots, self-service tools, and customer understanding to increase engagement and elevate CX with human touch.

  • How investing in agent training, feedback mechanisms, and gamification to cultivate a workforce enhance customer experiences.

  • Delivering the best of both worlds to meet the demands of a diverse customer base.

Moderator: Rochelle Hedley, Head of Channel Excellence, Auckland Council

David Sherning, National Investigations Manager, NZ Post

Hayley McNab, Head of Customer Care, The Warehouse Group

Emma Noble-Beasley, General Manager Contact Centre, Kiwibank

Matt Hanrahan, Solutions Consultant – Product, Digital Island


Bridging the Gap: Connecting CX and EX for a Seamless Brand Experience

Erin Brown, CX Sales Specialist, Connect NZ / Zoom


Presentation by Digital Island


Lightning Address - Outsource Fiji


Networking Lunch  

Contact Centre Workforce, Technology & Infrastructure


Interactive Breakout Sessions

Breakout A: Empowering Contact Centers with AI: Transforming Business Communications and Customer Support

  • Ben Relf, Country Lead, Dialpad

Breakout B: Moving from Prototype to Production: Accelerating Time-to-Value for Customer and Employee Generative AI Use Cases

  • Nick Latham, General Manager of Digital Operations, Probe

Breakout C: Building Resilient Contact Centre’s: The Power of Skills-Based Hiring

  • Phil Heys, Enterprise Sales Director, Flexhive by Hudson


Fireside Chat with NICE


Afternoon Tea  

Building High-Performing Teams: Leadership & Culture Transformation


Interactive Mini Workshop: Leading Through Change – Keeping Contact Centre Teams Engaged and Productive

  • Engaging employees by seeking their input, and ideas, empowering them to contribute to solutions and decision-making.

  • Providing ongoing support and training to assist team members succeed during transitions.

  • Strategies for building focus and cohesion across your team.

Gail Meintjies, Customer Coaching Specialist, Watercare Services Limited


Chairperson’s Closing Address 


Networking Drinks & End of Summit Day One

Day Two | Thursday, 24th October 2024


Registration and Morning Refreshments


Chairperson’s Opening Address  

Greg McAllister, Independent Consultant

Mastering Omnichannel & Automation


Keynote: Strategies for Integrating Multiple Channels, Leveraging Data Analytics and Delivering Consistent Service Across Touchpoints

  • How does delivering seamless interactions across multiple channels elevates satisfaction and fosters loyalty?

  • Leveraging omnichannel approaches facilitate increased conversions by engaging customers at various touchpoints throughout their journey.

  • How implementing multiple channel strategies meet customer expectations and surpass competitors, by gathering invaluable data to inform decisions?

Bryan Ng, Chief Data & Analytics Officer, New Zealand Trade & Enterprise


Partner Presentation - Transforming Customer Service: The Building Blocks for Generative.AI Value Realisation

Join this informative session where Chris Fletcher, Chief Consumer and Business Officer, shares his experience on the interplay of culture, process, and platform as the foundation for creating change.

Chris Fletcher, Chief Consumer and Business Officer, One New Zealand

Maintaining Customer Trust


Panel: Navigating the CX Landscape to Enhance Customer Journey and Maintaining Customer Relationships

  • Optimising customer experiences through meticulous mapping of customer touchpoints and preferences.

  • Addressing technical challenges in omnichannel implementation by prioritising the security and privacy of customer data.

  • How to stay ahead of the curve by embracing future trends and innovations to shape the customer engagement.

Moderator: Greg McAllister, Independent Consultant

Jody Bews-Hair, General Manager Customer, Honda NZ

Jessica Withnall, Contact Centre Operations Manager, ACC New Zealand

Jae Stowers, Manager Customer Contact Group, Tertiary Education Commission

Richard Winterburn, Channel Business Development Manager, Digital Island


Morning Tea   

The upcoming sessions are shared plenary sessions with the Future CX Summit


Presentation: Striking the Balance: Customer Trust, Personalisation, and Brand Loyalty 

  • Achieving personalisation without compromising trust

  • Transparency as the cornerstone: Building trust through clear data collection and usage practices

  • Prioritising data protection: Balancing personalisation and privacy for enhanced brand loyalty

Paul Natac, CIO, Provident Insurance

Revolutionising CX


Interactive Breakout Sessions

Breakout A: Transforming Customer Service: Our Contact Centre’s Real-World Journey with Generative AI

  • Bond Grieve, Generative AI Engineer, One New Zealand

Breakout B: How to Optimise Agent and Customer Experience with Zoom's AI-Infused Platform

  • Erin Brown, CX Sales Specialist, Connect NZ / Zoom

Breakout C: Understanding the Voice of the Customer: Speech and Text Analytics for Emotion and Sentiment Analysis


Networking Lunch  


Prize Draw 

Data Analytics & Customer Insights


Panel: Leveraging Data to Enhance Customer Experience 

  • Harnessing data analytics optimises product and service offerings to meet evolving customer needs and preferences

  • Utilising real-time data to address customer concerns and optimise their experience across all touchpoints

  • How brands can stand out by employing data analysis to deepen insights into customer behaviour

  • Driving personalised experiences through customer journey analytics to identify and address pain points.

Moderator: Bryan Ng, Chief Data & Analytics Officer, New Zealand Trade & Enterprise

Wendy Ballard, General Manager NZ, Zip Co

Wayne Armstrong, GM Transformation, Placemakers

Cultivating a Customer-Centric Culture


Panel: Cultivating Customer-Centric Excellence: Overcoming Challenges, Aligning Strategies, and Leadership Impact 

  • Instilling challenges and best practices to foster a culture centred around exceeding customer expectations.

  • Aligning strategies for internal workflows and structures to prioritise customer needs and deliver exceptional experiences.

  • How leadership roles can drive cultural transformation towards more customer-centric culture and continuous improvements.

Moderator: Jin Wan, Client Experience Manager, Fisher Funds

Prashant Bakshi, Chief Customer Officer, New Zealand Qualifications Authority

Moa Haar-Simmonds, GM - Service Operations, Mercury NZ

Rhonda Rehman, GM, Member Services, Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand


Chairperson’s Closing Address 


Closing Karakia & End of Summit

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